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Our products

Our company produces saffron, extra virgin olive oil and wine, all grown organically. We have decided to remain tied to crops that were typical of our area, and, while you surely know the typicality of the cultivation of vines and olives in our countryside, perhaps you will not all know that, since ancient times, practically everyone in Montalcino produced the own saffron.



And it is from saffron that our adventure begins. We have a plot of 5000 square meters with 50,000 bulbs planted.

The method we use for cultivation is called bsc, literally bio conscious synergistic, which consists in making our bulbs interact with a large biodiversity of both flora and fauna in order to allow a synergy. The only agronomic practices we carry out are organic green manures, natural fertilizations and a two-year rotation to rest and regenerate the soil. The harvest generally takes place in October, is totally manual and is done every day at dawn when the flowers are still closed, for about 20/25 days.

Immediately after, we proceed with the husking and subsequent drying at low temperature, in order not to alter the organoleptic properties of the product in any way. It is then stored for at least two months in glass containers away from light, after which it is possible to proceed with packaging and sale.
All these precautions ensure that the finished product is of the highest quality, rich in aromas, color and taste.

The extra virgin olive oil

For about a year the company's production has been enriched with a new product, our extra virgin olive oil.Our olive trees are all native Tuscan species, from the mill, to the pendolino, to the leccio del corno, also cultivated with method totally organic.
The harvest is usually carried out around November / December, and during the same day the olives are brought to the mill for milling.
The pressing of the olives takes place cold, so as not to affect the organoleptic properties of the product which, immediately after, is bottled in dark glass to protect it from light.We choose not to filter our oil so as not to deprive it and impoverish it of any of the substances that The result is a decidedly balanced extra virgin olive oil, with a fruity aroma of freshly cut grass and a sensation of thistle. the bitterness recalls almond and the spicy pepper.

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The wine

The wine that you can find in our structure is produced by the Padelletti Company, a historical family reality, which has reached the twenty-seventh generation of winemakers with us.  

We produce Rosso and Brunello di Montalcino respecting tradition with particular attention to innovation. 

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